What’s Been Going On With Lack Of Content

So, it’s been a while since my last update on what’s been going on. I like to keep our community updated on my happenings and the last time I did one of these was probably in 2017. So, it’s an overdue update.

In summary, I’ve been focused on my company for the last couple of years. The main goal is to grow the company, and it’s been one heck of a ride with bumps, hills, and mountains along the way.

Lately, we’ve been working on some great workplace simulation geared towards providing incoming employees with a method to acquaint themselves with their new work environment prior to getting on site to the job. This allows for them to be for efficient right away by instilling confidence in knowing there setting so that it’s not just another cognitive burden.

If you haven’t subscribed to the Journey To Programming blog, then check it out here: