On the road: Implementing Simple Game Mechanics – 2D Platformer Part 2

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We’re working on content to make your journey as a developer better by talking about programming, providing career advice, and working with you to make sure that you’re successful in your endeavors.

In this episode, we continue with our talk about Implementing simple game mechanics for a 2D Platformer game.

Part One of this series can be found here:
On The Road – Implementing Simple Game Mechanics Part 1

Episode Information:

We begin by refreshing on creating movement functionality in Unity3D. Then, move onto prototyping a level where the player needs to move across it by moving between platforms and not falling below the floor.

After listening to this episode, I encourage you to try Implementing the movement mechanics and platform jumping ideas on your own. And if you face issues then feel free to reach out to us for help and we’d be happy to guide you.

If you would like to download the Unity3D Game Engine, then you can get it for free by downloading the Personal edition here: Unity3D Store

Example of the Unity Download Page. You only need the Personal edition to get started.

Using the personal edition is fine for most developers. You can still develop and build professional applications for deployment on a variety of platforms using the free version.

Unity3D Tutorials can be found here: Unity3D Free Learning Content