Working at a Startup, Small business, Corporation, or go Freelance?

Why be an employee versus a freelancer?

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Importance of communication in a technical and non-technical manner

No matter if you’re a software developer, game developer, technical manager, or a consultant; It is crucial for you to be able to communicate with others around you in the workspace. In a normal job, you’re going to be communicating with people that understand the technical side of your job and others that have no technical background.

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Unity3D Tutorial – Simple 2D Platformer Prototyping (ISGM)

Continuing with our Implementing Simple Game Mechanics (ISGM) series, we’re making a tutorial to help you with setting up your

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On The Road – AI is not going to kill software development

If you’re interested in more content like this, then don’t forget to join our Newsletter. You can find more of

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On the road: Implementing Simple Game Mechanics – 2D Platformer Part 2

Check out more content here on our website: We’re working on content to make your journey as a developer

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